On Sunday, I forgot, but Emily had also mentioned the cross. How the cross is not a burden, since the Lord said, "my yoke is easy and my burden is light," (Mat 11:30).
Well, oddly enough, tonight Pastor Charley spoke on the cross. And it brought that part of Emily's message to mind, though he did not word it exactly the same. He did say a lot more about the cross itself...and now, because I believe it's important, I'm going to repeat it here but in my own words with a few other additions that I sensed in my spirit (like the emphasis on joy).
THE CROSS. (Mt 16:24ff; Mark 8:34ff & 10:21; Luke 9:23ff; etc)
First off, Emily is right. It's not a burden. It's not something like a disease or some "cross to bear" like everyone always says. It's not awful. Nor, something horrible that we say "Whoa is me, I have to carry this thing!" I believe it is something that, at least in spirit, we have joy over it; over serving God in this way. Or at least, we should, for the Lord rebuked His people in Deuteronomy 28:47 when they neglected to serve Him with joy. And over in I Thessalonians 5:16 we are commanded to "Rejoice always" (NASB); while several times in Scripture, and particularly in Psalms 16:11, it declares that in God's presence there is "fullness of joy." Where is the burden in that?
Secondly, its like Pastor Charley said tonight. It's a voluntary action! You can choose it, or not. You can pick it up and lay it down later. Jesus hid and walked past a crowd that tried to kill Him (Luke 4:30 & John 8:59), and we know He had angels at His disposal (Ps 91:11-12; Matt 4:6 & Luke 4:10-11), YET He did not lay down His cross and sneak off on that day we now call the Day of His Crucifixion...Pastor Charley mentioned fasting. And I think that is a good example of a cross. We choose to do it, maybe because we really felt an urging from God or because we know that God doesn't ask "if" we fast but "when" or for some other reason, like the fulfillment of prayer. Or perhaps, all the above. But at any point, we could quit. We could never go through with it to start with, or we could stop halfway through the original time we had set aside for it. We might feel bad about it later, but we can quit! That's a cross we choose to carry! And, as an application of the cross, it may lead to other applications in your life; learning how to lay one thing down can lead to laying another down (like one bad thing leads to another, but in glorious reverse!). But, if we choose to carry it, it should be with joy and peace (Rom 14:17)...Sometimes a cross might be a responsibility, like honoring your earthly parents and supporting them as they get old (but remember, always with joy!), or some other thing we feel we must do...It is, however, not a disease! We can't choose a disease! ...Again, a cross is something we choose to carry! Even a responsibility, which may seem like an obligation, is something we can choose to carry and therefore is a cross.
Basically, a cross is not a burden and is a voluntary choice we must daily choose to carry. Hopefully, we'll learn to carry it with peace and joy and not a boasting "whoa is me" attitude (Gal 6:14), for only Christ's cross should be boasted of! And what burden is there EVER in serving the One you love? So rejoice! Die to yourself! And pick up your cross to follow Him (Heb 12:2)!
Christ's love to y'all,
<>< Hannah Joy
Wednesday, March 19
The Cross
Monday, March 17
Mother & Daughter: Blessings of the Weekend
Wow! Did I ever have an exciting weekend! Bill, Cathy, and I went to the Ingole household for the weekend.
First, for Becky's 50th birthday party on Friday where we danced, talked, and karaoke-d the night away! Was it ever a blast! We raised somewhere around $5000 for rebuilding their 'adopted' son's house in Honduras (that was all Becky wanted for her birthday: money towards Brian's family's new house!)! How exciting! ...and yes, though I've never done it before, I tried to sing karaoke with Michelle Harter and one of Emily's friends, Heather. Well, okay. Really, I was dragged up there, and, though I tried to avoid the microphone, Heather didn't let me get away with out it in my face at least a few times. And we sang for at least two songs. But what the songs were, I cannot tell you. Not because they were bad, but because my education never included secular songs (outside of what you hear in stores when you listen and the movies/TV commercials). So if you want to know, you'll have to hunt down either Michelle or Heather! LOL!
And, Secondly, we went to enjoy a whole weekend with the lovely Ingole family! Okay, maybe that was more the bonus on Saturday: hanging out with whoever came over to play games. Originally, the main reason for staying through Sunday had to do with a long drive that no driver wants to do too soon and hearing Emily preach (my reason, Hello! I'm not the driver!) the Sunday morning service! Woo who! And was she good! ...of course, in the end, we opted to leave early Monday morning so I could hang out with the dynamic 'Ingoley-Virgonte' and the lovely 'China Doll' a little longer. And, in the process, I got my hair colored back to its original color--does anyone even remember what that was?
Oh, wait; you wanted to know what Em spoke on?! Oi! Do I have to tell you everything...Okay. John 4:22-24; Luke 4:1-2, 4, & 14-19; Col 1:13-18; Timothy something; and there was more, I'm sure, but that's what happens when you forget to write it ALL down: you can't recall it later! So that's it. There you go......Oi! All right. Here's my notes. Under John 4:23, I wrote: "God is now drawing a line between those who worship in Spirit and Truth and those who are 'religious' or a 'good person'. We are called out of carnality or being a carnal Christian. It's not whether you wear a skirt, or shoes, or dance, that will send you to hell, but not having a personal relationship with HIM that will!" and "People may praise you, but then you get to real with them and they criticize you; Jesus [see John 4] felt everything, but He knew how to combat it too!" Under Luke 4:18-19, I wrote, "You can't do anything without Him" "He doesn't need you, He wants you" and "there's a qualifier to that: you have to say 'Yes' and daily!" And Under Colossians 1:15 & 18, I wrote: "He went there first, and He'll be there by your side when you get there." And, the main point that I got from it, was "overcoming your religious spirit/pride and dying to yourself; but knowing God would be there in the end, because He wants to use you!" Or something like that (I'm not very good at re-wording my jumbled thoughts, which seem to only make sense to me!). I mostly caught the dying to self because that's what God has been dealing with me about a lot lately! But the urging to do that (die-to-self) has come about because I feel the urgency for God longing to use ME! And do greater works (John 14:12)!
I know I was blessed by the whole weekend. The fellowship. The fun. The friends. And the death to self! Oi! What a combination; but a good one!
Thank you Ingole's and others for the wonderful weekend!
And doubly thanks to you, God, for being there in and through it all!!!
Christ's love to y'all,
Related Topics: Birthday parties, Preaching
Wednesday, March 12
Elijah List Prophecy copied
The following word was prophesied by Mark Chironna on March 11, 2008 at The Master's Touch International Church in Longwood, Florida:
"The Lord God will utter His voice and the mountains will melt like wax. For the God of glory thunders and the God of Jacob prevails. In this hour there is coming a great shaking--not a shaking of the earth but a shaking of men's spirits, and realms of demonic strongholds will be shaken off by the word that is uttered from Heaven.
The Lord is coming quickly to judge His enemies and to render them powerless. He is coming to vindicate His elect and to hide them under the shadow of His hand. For these are days when His power will be unleashed and His glory will be unveiled. This is an hour and a season when the mountains have risen up against the mountain of the house of the Lord, but they shall not stand. They shall melt like wax, for the terror of God shall fill God's enemies and the Lord Himself will descend in a pillar of cloud and will destroy and silence the accuser."
Thunder of Freedom
"He will cause His voice of authority to be heard from the north to the south, to the east and to the west. And He will visit His people yet again. Prepare, the day is arriving; prepare the hour is upon thee; the travails and the birth pangs of this last season are coming to an end and the afterbirth is being taken off of you.
For God is making of you a new thing, and God is doing a new thing in the earth, and there will be a fresh cry of revival. There will be a fresh cry of renewal. There will be a fresh cry of restoration, and there will be a fresh cry of proclamation. And because of that, the saints will lift their voice in unabashed, unashamed praise--for the sound of praise will be greater than you have ever heard it in any other day in your life. The sound of thunder will not only be from Heaven, but there shall be a thunder come from the spirit of the saints, as they are set free."
A Shout of Victory Shall Come Forth
"For, as chains are broken, they will shout. As darkness flees, they will shout. As broken bodies are healed, they will shout. The shout of the Lord will return to the camp of the army of God. For victory is guaranteed and God Almighty will vindicate the travail of the elect and will judge their enemies speedily," saith the Spirit of Grace.
Related Topics: Prophecy
Monday, March 10
Team: Connections & Philippines 2006
It's amazing to see what God does, how He worked and orchestrated things in my life and the people around me! How He answered prayers, how quickly things have been falling into place, and people brought together, "For such a time as this!" I mean, I....you know what, why don't I start at the beginning! (I can give more details, then you might care for, but hey...there's nothing like a good story, eh?)
It was the fall of 2006, and I was having a rough day. Wanted some time with just God and I. Normally I would not suggest anyone skip church--sometimes we need people when we are down, and the encouragement of Christ that fellowship with the Saints can bring--but that Sunday, that is exactly what I did! The night before, I had managed to talk Mom into letting me have the car in the morning so I could drive to church myself. But then that morning, all I wanted to do was be alone with God, in the most secluded place I knew (where I could sing and shout without annoying anyone!): in the car while driving. So, instead of going to church, I called my pastor and told him I wasn't going to be coming to church (so he wouldn't worry when I didn't show up, since his wife was usually my ride and she wasn't around that weekend). And I went on a drive...A long one. Out onto roads I've never been on--and hoping and praying I could find my way back since I'm quite directionally challenged! And during the drive I had a long talk with God. Some of it was about my wanting to do something significant; about wanting to go on a mission’s trip, though I understood that I was valued and needed here and nothing was more significant in the Kingdom then any other thing. Nonetheless, I still asked for it. And that somehow He would work it out with someone who knew me and my abilities (or lack there of) and would be all right working with me...He spoke too, but mostly He listened...
And He heard me!
Of course I did not know how much till later that day. I got home to hear my Aunt and Uncle and Cousin were coming over briefly so my Dad could look at some kind of electronic problem my Uncle could not figure out (they're both geeks, but I guess my Dad is more so then his brother). Well, as it happened, not but two seconds after they popped in, my Aunt Debby turns to me and asks if I want to go to the Philippians with her in November!
Oi! You bet I said "YES!" For without a doubt, it had come as the answer to my prayer! And quicker then I had thought! But it was well it was asked then, for I did not have long to raise support and get my finances in order to go.
I went to one of my Aunt's women's conferences in Olean, NY to familiarize myself with her teachings and how she operated in the ministry (I have no idea why I had never done so before!). Then a couple weeks later I stayed at their house for a couple days before flying out of Buffalo. This all helped me familiarize myself with a couple of people that would be on our team, as well. And later, I would see what else it worked into (isn't God amazing how He works, sometimes? What seems so insignificant can mean so much in the long run!).
The Philippians was an awesome trip! The flight was LONG (16hours for one flight alone, not to mention all the connections) and we skipped about 12hrs through all the time changes and the International Date Line. But once we were there, we did several conferences. Went to several churches and did multiple services. And traveled all over the island to do so....I experienced for the first time, what it was like to have God "knock people out" when little me laid hands on them! God used me! How cool was that?! ...But I also learned a lot on the trip. Having been sheltered and homeschooled most of my life, learning how to work as a team and as a friend (and talk in a way that made sense and didn't hurt people) was all still new to me. But through it all, I learned what a source of wisdom and understanding Aunt Deb was--which would also be valuable later on--and built a great friendship/mother-daughter relationship with her as well as a good friendship with the others!
I had gone on the trip, planning for quite some time before to try and move out of my parents' home and get my own place. And at least a couple hours away. But I used up every penny I had to go on the trip. So during the trip, I learned how to trust God in a newer way: let go. Whenever my hope to be able to move out would arise while on the trip, followed by a thought of how impossible that would be since I had almost nothing to live on, I would turn it back over to God and shove it aside. Verbally, when Deb would ask how I was doing, I would (in faith) tell her that "Somehow God'll work it out, and when I get back it will just fall into place!" (I had told God, more then once, that I did not want to be home much longer after the holidays, and the sooner the better!)
Well of course, once again, GOD HEARD ME!
On the flight back from the Philippines, Deb and I got to talking. She and Fred were in need of help to keep their growing ministry running...I still don't remember how or when exactly it came about, but the next thing I knew I had grabbed my stuff from their house, and was back at my parents' home planning on moving out shortly after Christmas! AND in with Deb, Fred, and my wonderful cousin Marie-Louise! ...I had less then a week, before I moved some of my stuff their house and helped Fred send out their mailings (I had always loved to do bulk mailings! so simple!). Then I went home, had Christmas and went to church to tell my beloved church family "hello" and "goodbye" in one turn (I miss them so!). And was back two days before New Years, moving the last of my stuff into what used to be Fred's office (they did some shuffling over the Holidays; so sweet!) and then had a night all to myself (I had arrived to an empty house, and would not expect them back from late Christmas celebrations till the next evening)....
SEE how important it was that I had been at their house before and after the trip? I was now familiar with the surroundings and how the house worked! ...what's more, one of the other woman on the trip, who had been at the house before and after the trip too, is someone I discovered came up every weekend (Cathy Hoffman) with her husband to go to church with Fred and Deb since they consider that church their home church and are still trying to move up here! Good thing I connected, eh? 'Cuz I got her for another mom now, in case I need another one. And I had connected with the church during the conference earlier. And now they are my new church family!
And that is just the beginning!
Related Topics: God Works, Philippines, Team Building
Team: Davis & Friends
Like I said before, that was just the beginning.
Shortly after I moved in, I ended up traveling with Fred, Deb, and M-L all over.
Gospel Crusades (the organization Fred & Deb are affiliated with) had a conference in FL, apparently as they do every year, the first week in January 2007. Then Fred & Deb were invited to teach a Bible School on a resort in MN for a week in the summer. On the way we stopped at friends in OH. Over all, I met a lot of new and great people on the way to and from both places and at both places. (We always drive, when it comes to traversing the US). During some of the spring/summer Fred was off in Africa. And during some of that trip, Deb and I joined him for three weeks, in which I first got my passport stamped and visa's for all three countries of Ghana, Togo, and Benin (And formed a really awesome friendship with Florence Gake during our week in Togo).
And we just kept traveling! (I know I'm probably missing some places, but for a couple months there at least, it seemed we never stopped--I was having culture shock just in constantly meeting new people and seeing new places in the US alone! I'm the hermit, or at least I'm someone who likes her privacy and organization--or so I used to be!)
Through it all, I was forming a relationship with Bill and Cathy too. Every weekend we were around, that is, and the times they traveled with us. (Bill to Africa; Cathy to some of the conferences in the fall when it was just us ladies). And of course, when he was in the same area, Cathy's son Tim Wright (if you don't know him yet, you will!) also on the weekends and twice in Ghana!
But meanwhile, I was praying for a friend. I'm not saying I didn't have any friends already. I had formed a friendship with Deb's niece who had lived here the first couple months I was here; and there were some friends from my old church family who I saw a couple times that year; and then of course, there were several friends I kept in contact with over the phone. But there is nothing like someone I could see often, who adds another dimension to my friendships. (There are the kind of friends who pat you on the back, or are ointment on the wounds, or relate with you because they've been there before, and then there are the ones who give you the friendly slap on the face, or wake you up, or the iron sharpens iron kind; a person always need friends of different kinds to relate with on different levels, after all, its just as important to heal from old wounds as to grow up! And nothing does it like relationships). Angie had tried to start a Christians young-person group to meet more people in our area, and it flopped...Tim was great for talking into the late nights about God and the Bible and struggles we were having--and for a few months, we were going through very similar things. And there was Deb and Cathy for talking things out to, also...but there was still someone who was missing in my life too, someone my age.
So, of course, I prayed. Told God what I was looking for--someone nearby, or who didn't mind traveling so we could hook up often (I don't have a car, and can't drive most vehicles anyways!); but mostly, a Christian who would add a dimension to the relationships I was missing and needed stretched on (I'll leave the exact details of that between God and I).
And so God wove a plan; and was orchestrating a team....he, he
Related Topics: Davismission, God Works, Team Building
Team: Revival
That year Debby was planning two trips to the Philippines. And the second one I would be on. And so would Bill and Cathy, and her son Tim…But Debby kept feeling like there was supposed to be a 6th person on the team...and so far, two people who had at first both said maybe, ended up saying no. And so she continued to search and pray.
At first I thought she was weird. I mean, how can you know the exact amount that are supposed to be on the team? ...And the time was drawing closer and closer till time to leave. We'd even already got all our tickets already. How could anyone else join now, anyway?
We had several ladies conferences planned for the weekends before we were to leave. The first being in OH. Then Debby's one here in Olean. Then one in NH.
But first God had to tell me something in a dream...yeah, there was supposed to be a sixth person! What's more, I heard that person’s full name! ...If only I could have remembered it when I woke up in the morning. (I knew I should have woken up and written it down even in the middle of the night!)... So I told Deb. And then we tried to call a couple other people I knew and ask if they wanted to go (there was something oddly familiar about the feeling I'd had associated with the name of the person; if that makes any sense?). But they said no. And I was left stumped and frustrated! I felt like I should know the person, and yet not know them. More like I had never met them before, but knew enough to feel like I had? All I can say was that it was odd... And so I continued to pray for that, now, as well as the friendship/s I was seeking.
I remember feeling frustrated even the morning before we left for the conference in OH. I woke up and was lying in bed staring at the ceiling. And I asked God, that whoever that sixth person was, that one way or another (consciously or unconsciously) God would bring them our way and that I would some how recognize them upon meeting. And if I didn't know how or why I recognized them, that in my spirit I would desperately want them to come with us to the Philippines...little did I know! ...And then I gave both requests over to God and decided for the rest of the weekend I would not worry one bit about it. It was in God's hands... though, I could not shake the momentary feeling that I was going to find the answer in OH!
Well, once again God heard me! (I think it's what happens when you and Him are in line with what you both want for your life!)
On the drive out to OH, God broke through (figuratively) the vehicle Tim and I were in and began to speak to us. I began to cry, and I think I cried for nearly two hours of the four-hour trip! And God broke me of something personal (perhaps I'll tell you sometime what that was)...And when we arrived in OH, I found out that in the other vehicle, God had been speaking to Deb, Cathy, and M-L in some profound ways too! ...What God started as a revival in our hearts, though we had little idea of such at the time, was about to spread to other peoples' hearts through the conference in OH!
You see, revival doesn't jump from place to place, or spread from building to building. It's a heart issue. And it starts with your own, and spreads and overflows from there!
Anyway, we had awesome services there in OH. God delivered one lady of a demon, healed several others of different afflictions (including tumors!), and continued His work in many hearts including our own! I, for the first time, danced in the front during worship; I could not seem to get enough of God, of praising Him, and I for the very first time, did not seem to care what anyone thought--but a person will find if their sole focus is on God, no one else is even in the room sometimes (just like they say in romance novels between two lovers, eh? That's as it should be: between God and us!)
And as if that weren't enough, He was still working out the Philippines team (and more later) and, of course, the answers to His precious daughter's prayers (that would be me)...
Related Topics: God Works, Revival, Team Building
Team: Forming
In steps Emily Ingole...
We were staying at Mike and Becky Ingole's house (where we had stayed on the way to MN, too; such awesome people!), but their only child lived two hours away in Columbus and worked as a nurse. I had never met her before, nor did I know she was even uncertain about coming to the conference (no wonder I had prayed so earnestly before we left Olean, that I would meet this person; but I'm getting ahead of myself, eh?), but come she finally did. And, oddly enough, I recognized her. Though, like I said, I had never met her, and any pictures I had seen of her hardly did her justice (she's much better looking in real life!), I somehow knew instantly she was Becky's daughter. But I also knew something else which only became tangible later as we were hanging out around the diner table back at the house; for some strange reason I kept wanting to encourage her to go to the Philippines with us!
Yes, apparently when I leave something to God in prayer when I'm in one state in the US, and then go to another state, I forget it completely! I could not seem to put two and two together; in fact, I forgot both prayers completely for over a week afterward!
So, like I said before, we had awesome services in OH. During breaks in the services and late nights/meals at the Ingole's house I met several people from the church--one was Michelle Harter, but that's later--and then Emily Ingole came to one of the last services. And of course, she was then at her parents' house for diner...Becky had shared with me that she had told Emily my testimony of how God had healed me from the wheelchair, but that she would probably love to hear the more detailed version from me. So during one of our first meetings, that's pretty much what I did: shared my testimony and life with her. But later, as we were sitting around the table, and most of the group had left and headed home, I turned to her and Tim and all I wanted to do was encourage her to go the Philippines. It kept popping into my head while I was sharing my testimony of what we were doing next, and yet again it was there. So finally, I figured it wouldn't hurt to say a little something.
"You know, I wish you could come with us to the Philippines!" Right after I said it, I thought of the conversation I'd had with Deb before about how careful she was who went on trips with her. And now I had just suggested that someone I had barely known for a couple hours should come! Oi! I was in so much trouble...that is until I realized Emily had just brushed it off as a "maybe someday," thing...I thought I was saved, but I could not get the idea out of my head. And I believe I must have annoyed Emily over the next week and then some about it. I never really thought she would, but yet I could not get the idea out of my head that she should! (I think I was just as annoyed with myself as she was with me by the weekend of Deb's conference at her home church in Salamanca.)
During the last day or two in OH, I had mentioned to a new young friend I had met there that it would be cool if she could come to Deb's conference. But in the end, when the end of the week rolled around and people were arriving for Salamanca's women's conference, only Becky and Emily Ingole ended up coming from OH. Which was great, because then they both got to stay here at the house with us, and I had wanted Emily to come so I could get to know her better (again, another time she didn't want to come to a conference but God gave her the boot, in a matter of speaking, and she came!).
Well, once again, I was bugging her about the Philippines. That is until one morning, when I was in the shower. I realized how annoying I had to be to her (I was so annoyed with myself, she must have felt crazy!) and was talking it out with God in the shower. And this is when I finally remember the prayer I had last prayed before going to OH: the one about the sixth person. And in a non-audible way, it was like God said, "Remember that dream you had? Which bugged you because you could not remember the name of the sixth person?" Of course as soon as I said yes, it was like my brain clicked. And I remembered all the times I heard Becky speak of her daughter—even during a brief meeting several years before as Deb and her were driving through my old hometown—and I laughed! The name had been Emily Ingole, of course.
Well, I decided to take it easy and not bug her so much about going. I knew she was supposed to go, so I just figured God would have to tell her; I had bugged her so much, I knew she wouldn't know it if I suddenly got serious about it...Wouldn't you know it, that's exactly what God did in the next service!
That evening, as a small group of us were sitting in the living room talking into the early morning hours, she not only shared her testimony and life with us, but she told us what God had just told her earlier that day...Well you bet that early the next morning Deb got the ball rolling. And, though over the next couple days there were glitches in getting her tickets (in the middle of that we had another awesome women's conference in NH), in the end there were six of us, all going off to the Philippines.
Yes, a team of SIX...God heard, and answered—yet again!
Related Topics: God Works, Team Building, Team of Three, Women's Conference
Team: Philippines 2007
A large team of six, consisting of Bill & Cathy Hoffman, Debby Davis, Tim Wright (Cathy's son, the soon-to-be widely renown musician and worship leader!), Emily Ingole, and of course ME! But in the middle of that team was another team God wove into a tight knit unit of young people; Tim, Emily, and I were not coincidently thrown together nor did we "just happen to be" the same ages (all within three months), but God brought us together. And from it--you guessed it--I got two wonderful friends!
God not only made a team for the Philippines 2006 trip, but He graciously wove two friends and gave me three close (sometimes too close) weeks with them to get to know them better and grow in a stronger, more clear, friendship (if I had thought I had known Tim before that, it was just an image of who I thought he was--he, like Emily, really began to show his "True colors" in the Philippines.)
Of course, God did a lot of work in each of us in the Philippines (I learned to trust God to a newer level, which had me either on the floor or drunk with the Holy Spirit, almost as much as I wasn't!). Emily and Tim also fell under the power of the Holy Spirit. And we all saw miraculous signs and wonders, through us and/or around us! One young lady was delivered from lesbianism, although not a word was spoken or even prayed on that issue! And many others were touched in other ways. At the end of the first week in the remote island in the Palawan District of islands in a little town called Chey (pronounced Chew-y), we heard several testimonies of people who had come to the meetings (some just for the free food we provided) intent on not falling out under the power of the HS (if they even had heard about it, before!) crawling out of the church long after the service was over! Since we have been back in the States, we have heard from our guide, friend, and interpreter, Pastor Jun (who has to be one of the funniest people you will ever meet!) that the pastor of that church has said, since we left there, they have been having meetings every night at the church and they're still feeling the Power of God moving in their midst!
We also saw many awesome things happen back at the largest island of Palawan (where we had been the year before). Had an awesome, and spontaneous, long dancing services for one of our last meetings at a Bible School; during it one of the girls jumped so far and back she ripped a Christmas banner!
On the way to and from Chey, and to and from the Philippines, we met with several oppositions and delays. But we also saw miracles and had the opportunity to pray for several people! One lady got on the bus-truck we took to Chey with Mastitis that had left her so weak she could not hold her head up and needed help to climb into the vehicle. We prayed for her and Emily gave her some medication. By the time she got off at her home, she was proudly holding her head up as she smiled and waved at us till we were out of site--there is no doubt God had healed her already!)
So, God heard me and gave me another friend. He heard Deb, and provided a wonderful addition to our team. And He kept the birthing of the revival kindled in a small group of people's hearts during a long road trip in the middle of a highway on the way to a meeting--where we usually think God-things start: a building--and kept it overflowing and growing. Into OH, NY, NH, and then all the way to, there, and from the Philippines! (I can't say how many times we had revelations and God-times on the airplanes and in the airports! I even got drunk with laughter on an airplane for about half-hour!)
And yet, like I said a couple posts back, He wasn't done yet! Not with the team (which had more to come, still!) and not with our hearts! Praise God! He's still moving on this earth today. And He's still using us, ordinary human beings, to do His extraordinary work! It's like John the Baptist said, "He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:30) Why else would God use us? Unless we were willing to die to our flesh, to be simple human beings limited by our means, But to allow Him to work beyond our limitations and, therefore, we will become instruments to bring glory to His Name!
Related Topics: God Works, Philippines, Team Building, Team of Three
Friday, March 7
Elijah List Prophecy copied
Chuck Pierce received the following prophecy on March 4th, 2008, and it is time to MARCH FORTH!
The Voice of Change is Stirring Us to Come UP from the Wilderness!
Dear Friends and Intercessors:
We are heading into two of the most rearranging, realigning months that we have ever known in the history of this generation. What occurs during these days will set a course for our lives and this nation. The Lord woke me at 1 o'clock on Tuesday morning, March 4th, 2008. As I walked into the bathroom I noticed a calligraphy verse: "Lean not on your own understanding." This verse lit up even though the light was not on in the bathroom. The verse became red and yellow like fire. When I went back in at 5 AM, I noticed that the verse was actually in navy blue!
I heard the Lord begin to say: "Lean not on your own understanding today. I am calling you to watch the way that begins to form! For I am forming and reforming the way for My people! Abrasive circumstances will increase over these next 40 days. Lean not on your own understanding. I will show you things that you do not know during this time. I will cause you to see the pattern that I am forming. Do not fall into an understanding of the past, even the past 40 years, for in the next 40 days I am producing a new time of understanding in My people. For My wisdom is not your wisdom. I am creating a fear and an awe of Me!
I will show you how evil is working. I will let you hear the voice of evil-- that voice that has been distracting, confronting, and taunting you. My cause will rise up in you. My words will form in your mouth. You will speak it to the atmosphere and the atmosphere around you will change.
I am forming a highway in your wilderness. It will not be made of shifting sand. The foundation for your future is being laid. I will cause you to see the land that will be made sure for you. Lean not on your own understanding. Allow these next 40 days to be that which will change the atmosphere from one of a mesmerizing force to the power of God in your midst.
Honor ME with a shout! Bless My Name. For My name is replacing the name of the enemy on the gates of entry into your future. Where the enemy had your gate blocked, I am now rising up to give you authority and entry into your new place!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.do not lean on your own understanding! Keep your mind stayed upon Me. Do NOT allow your abilities to be your trust. In all your ways acknowledge Me and I will direct your path. Do not just look at your circumstances--
I will create a strong people that will rule in every sphere of authority. Spheres of authority will be rearranged in these next 40 days. The power of My words in your mouth will cause a breakthrough. Don't miss your window of opportunity or fail to recognize the catalyst I am creating for rearranged momentum. Receive an anointing to leap over the mountain that has been deceiving and intimidating you.
Don't be afraid of your storm this week, for I will reorder your way and will cause your times to be changed. I'll set you ahead of that which would overtake you and cause you to be overwhelmed. So don't fear the storm. Watch the rain and wind work to your benefit! Hear the keys shaking, for I am rattling the gates of hell. Decree the blockade that wouldn't open up and let you move forward, even in your emotions--is being unlocked and that you are now able to move forward.
Your path will become straight so that I might enter a new way. What is too high will come down and that which is too low will come up. I can bring the prideful into right order and bring the humble into a new place of seeking. I am creating a straight path for us to walk into the future. May you see the path on which I will lead you into the future. Allow Me to come into your midst and prepare a way through this wilderness and into your next place.
I control the end from the beginning. There is nothing that happens in the earth realm that is outside of MY dominion. Agree that My will will be done on earth as it is in Heaven this day. Look up and see Me as the King who reigns. See Heaven's highway forming in the earth realm around you. I am not asking you to go under, but to come up! Find the high way into the place that I have for you.
Hear My voice in the wilderness. Though you have been unsure of the way you are to go, today I am beginning to call you new and fresh. This is a time when you must not miss that window of momentum. Do not be content to only sit and be taught every day because teaching alone will not get you to your next place. You must have the anointing to leap over that mountain. My call is being extended from the heavenly realm.
War for the next 21 days to see My call come forth. Those that will hear the call that I have for them this hour know how to follow after the call that I am extending. This is not about a person you are following--but a call that I am placing to set a course for you out of one place and into another. Hear the call! My voice is entering into your valley and your wilderness and saying, 'Come up with Me!'
Now is the time of restructured vision. Now is the time of finding your place to stand on the land, a place that will not sink when you stand, a land that will not confuse or entrap you. Hear My voice in your wilderness. For in 40 days, I will begin to qualify those that have received and embraced My call!
Do not allow the enemy's voice to confuse you in the next few days. You will be accosted by the enemy three times to keep you from finding and standing firm on the highway that I am forming to bring you through and into your new! Watch carefully and know the different voices this hour. Voices will bring confusion into your atmosphere. In the midst of this time, you must know what you are to follow. This is a time when confusing voices over your financial state and the state of the world would create a disheartening emotion that would lead to fear.
I am the God of the gold and silver. I am the one who can shake loose new finances.I am making a straight path and causing you to be directed in a new way these next 40 days. I am the one who can cause things to be let go so you can move in and go through the gates I have for you. Do not let a narrow, high path in front of you seem to be too steep for you to climb.
You have never been this way before. Nations are hanging in the balance! My Kingdom government will now begin to rise up and form to influence the government of the earth. I am a God who creates a Highway that can only be seen by eyes who know My glory. You will know me as King and ruler. I confounded the gods of Egypt. I confounded the Roman Empire.
Let Me form the words in your mouth to confront those things that would keep you from finding the highway I have prepared in the wilderness. Only My voice can guide you through and to this narrow road! In the midst of these three confrontations, NOW I am forming the words for you to use to stop your enemy from overtaking you. This is a corporate call for My people to rise up. In this corporate call you must be a people who know how to confront the atmospheric war around you.
I am raising up an abrasive time that will provoke you and produce My jealousy in you so you rise up with a new war mantle against the forces of hell in your midst. I will raise the abrasion! I will provoke MY people to action. Wake from your slumber and stupor and hear Me now to come forth! Do not lean on your own understanding. Go with My flow and watch Me make a direct path. Watch Me cause a path to come into order.
Renew the foundation. I am ready to build again. I will begin to build your future. Activate that way that I am calling you. Do not fear going into the brush and the brambles to find the hidden treasure that you will use to build My altar this hour. Today I am activating you. The intensity of the time is now upon you. I am activating you and calling you to hear what is coming into your atmosphere. Be delivered from a deaf and dumb spirit that would keep you from speaking and hearing at the right time.
Rise up and create a path. Change an atmosphere and you will be able to take a stand in that land. Let Zion call forth. I am calling forth to Zion within you to rise up. Prepare for a quick change. Prepare for a quick change. Write the vision. Make it plain. Prepare for a quick change. I am calling for a new release of power over these 40 days. Do not lean on your own understanding. Go in My direction to create a power shift!"
Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion Ministries
ElijahList Publications
310 2nd Ave SE,
Albany, OR 97321
email: info@elijahlist.net
Phone 1-541-926-3250
Related Topics: Prophecy
Sunday, March 2
I've been advised to start a blog. After all, then I would not have to worry so much about formality and could write the way I talk. Or at the least, the way I think. As sporadic and random as that may be...and leave you to figure out what I'm saying...Oi!
So count this my first of many attempts to keep you informed of my travels. And perhaps that will now be more frequent then it has been thus far (which has been nil!)...
Christ's love to y'all,
<>< Hannah Joy
Related Topics: Starting