Friday, December 9

The Joyous Family: Snowfall at 16 Days 'Til Christmas

I took all these pictures a long time ago, but how appropriate that at 16 days 'till Christmas,
we are covered in snow...
and the countdown-snowman is with the candy dish and matching salt & pepper shakers,
which are also covered in snow?!

I woke up about 4am, and followed an odd sound
to find one of my angels trying to see how much snow we have so far.
I did what any mother would do:
I turned on the porch light
and lifted him up to look out the front door...
and, of course, snapped a picture at the same time...
I'm just that good

Of course, then, this morning,
I was hardly surprised to be woken up early
-- with the sun...almost...except for a lack of sun, and just white low-hanging clouds --
by one of my children..
The fur-baby, "child"

Apparently, Lance could not wait to eat some of his beloved "ice cream"!
Of course, his bounding back and forth, insisting,
woke everyone else up...

I insisted that we get a picture of the height of the snow with a ruler,
before it all got trampled.
Joyce wanted to use one of the "cool 'ulers"
(one of our pink or blue, plastic rulers)
But when it could not be seen in the outdoors
(too see-through)
we opted for mom's old-fashioned wooden ruler
Isn't Joyce beautiful?
I love that toothy smile!
Even if it is a little early in the morning

Oh, and before anyone complains,
She does have shoes, knee-high socks, and leggings on,
but the snow is to high to see...
Oh, you meant the lack of a coat or gloves?

While I love things small,
-- I am small, after all --
and I love having little children
(and there are benefits to it all),
It does get interestingly hard to find clothing...
(esp"grown up" looking clothing, for a mom in size 12-14 kids)...

Baby Nina wears a size smaller then Joyce & Bruno;
Nina's size doesn't exist,
Because Joyce & Bruno are still wearing Newborn...
Good luck finding a snow suit or two in that tiny size,
nevermind gloves!

We're the little family,
A blessed family:
The Joyous Family...

Welcome to us...

Monday, December 5

The Joyous Family: First Gift at 20 Days 'Til Christmas

So, the days are counting down.

We're into December now, and already started having busy weekends!

We also received our first Christmas gift in the mail,
care of the Zingale's (my sister's family)...

I for one am happy to have something to listen to in the car when FLN is not doing Christmas music or when we lose them.
But...I forgot that there is one song on there I probably should have skipped
before the children heard it...
I have a feeling we'll be hearing "let it go" via "Panty-nix" on repeat the whole drive grocery shopping tomorrow...

I have tried, many times, to explain to the children that the correct name is Pentatonix,
which is a musical term, and has to do with penta = five...
One particular time, I found Joyce going through her clothing drawer trying to find "five pairs of panties" she did not mind "nixin'" (getting rid of) "just like the singers"
Oh joy!
At least she got the "five" part right...

So, back to today...
After we unwrapped the gifts in the mail,
Excitedly, Bruno jumped on my bed, and did some sort of weird half-split pose,
to show everyone their/his favorite gift
(I also got a book):

On that note...
It used to make sense that Bruno would strip off more then just his shoes,
when he came in the door, after getting covered in mud and becoming odorous from sweat.
But at some point, it just became a habit,
and has nothing to do with mud,
or dirt,
or sweat anymore.
He just strips as soon as he comes inside.

After church...after walking the dog...after riding in the car...
After whatever...
Off comes everything, but the underthings (thankfully!)...
I can't decide if this is a phase, a Bruno thing, or a boy-thing?
I have pictures to remind me that my sisters and I went through our own toddler-in-the-nude
(except maybe a diaper) phases.
But Bruno is way past the diaper phase...

So to all the my friends who are moms-of-boys,
can you tell me: is this normal?

At least he wears clothing when we go out...
But I'll be surprised if he wears a coat this winter...
Welcome to us