Saturday, August 9

Today: Honduras and Angelina

I have set this post to automatically appear as I am sitting in the Pittsburgh Airport waiting to take off for Honduras! FINALLY! But while you all are thinking about me and holding me up in prayer for the next two weeks, I hope you'll also remember a very special person today as well...

TODAY, at about 5pm, my cousin Angelina will be marrying a wonderful guy named Josh. And boy, am I excited for them! It will take place back at home in Olean as I arrive in Honduras. I am terribly sad I won't be there (originally we were going to fly out the day AFTER, not OF, the wedding) but I want to give her and Josh a wonderful SHOUT OUT!

Angie & Josh:
Congrats you two! May this day be wonderful; as family and friends gather from all over, may you know you are truly loved and blessed. And may all your days ahead as one be truly God-filled and God-sent! May what occurs today in celebration be but a small representation of how much better it will get with each new day to come! God bless you both, and my prayers are with you as you fly to Hawaii tomorrow as well!