Tuesday, December 29

Christmases A Plenty

As is typical in my family, we had many different Christmas get-togethers over the Holidays. Several at home, with the Davis clan and a couple different ones with the Elwell/Harrison/Davis clan as well. Games. Stockings. The usual presents. Food. Fun. Fellowship. And a few surprises. However, there are so many pictures, that to go through them to pick just a couple favorites when I've already got several more on the Internet? Don't see why. So, follow this link and view them all!

Oh, and I went down to Lancaster area of PA to surprise my family on my Mom's side as well! I love hanging out and playing games with my cousins and sisters soooo much! Who can beat a good game of Settlers? Or Sequence? Or my personal favorite: DUTCH BLITZ! Anyway, same link for those pictures, so enjoy!

Tuesday, December 22


I didn't think it was right to go all out and decorate for Christmas in my bedroom, where nobody would know, so I helped out Deb & Fred this year with some more lights for the outdoors. Thought I should post the house, then too, as soon as I got a picture of it, so my bedroom isn't the only thing getting noticed on here!
My room is the one with the red lights in the windows (no point to decorating just the inside, ya know, so I put some lights on the outside of my curtains too!)

Saturday, December 19

Sisters Are Here

Becky & I drove down to meet Mom at a cute little Mennonite restaurant, to eat and exchange Christmas gifts. Then we grabbed Alissa and ran! Just kidding! We didn't kidnap her; part of the reason we met up with Mom was to pick up Alissa for an awesome weekend back in Olean!

I had gone shopping with Becky in preparation before picking up Alissa so we had everything we need to try our hand at our old family tradition of making gingerbread houses, which we did Saturday afternoon. It was our first try at a kit, though!
We did a pretty good job, eh? So good, we devoured immediately!
(No, not really, but it fit with the picture heading)
A random, but nice picture of us sisters before the rest of the Davis clan showed up.
And this is what the holiday's can do for you, too?!
Just kidding. We had a great time! The Davis' all showed up and we had a White Elephant Exchange Christmas. Sadly, I got so caught up in the fun I forgot to take any good pictures! So, you'll just have to survive on the picture of the White Elephant gift Becky brought (above); I thought it was hilarious!

Monday, December 7


Just thought I'd mention that Becky's going to be around for the Christmas season! I'm so excited. Alissa's going to get off work and come up for a quick weekend, when the Davis Clan will do our White Elephant get-together...stay tuned!

Friday, November 27

Christmas Decorating

If you knew me growing up, you'd know that I was raised on a college campus. This college always had an Open Door night right before Christmas break, and the halls and dorms would go all out and decorate their place! So, starting young, I practiced for my chance. Well, since then, I sometimes still go all out. This year, I thought I'd let y'all know, is one of those years! I've only posted a couple of my favorite pictures, but for more, check out my facebook!

Next year I probably won't even touch my stuff because I went so far out this year! But, hey, we got the pictures to show it...wonder what'll I do if I ever get more then just a bedroom to decorate?!

Thursday, November 26


We celebrated at Ange's apartment (used to be Deb & Fred's years ago; the one above-ish the church).
As you can see, Marie-Louise likes her cool-whip for desert (who cares for a little pie with it, anyway?)Played Apples-to-Apples which Little Charlie's girl-friend, Melissa, taught to us, while some of the men watch football or napped, and later Deb & Cheri hacked out a Black-Friday shopping schedule/spree. Then we hit Ernie's to see Grandpa Davis quick, before heading home (in a very in-direct way!)

Tuesday, November 3


Well, I wrote this in my journal while in the Philippines, figuring when I got back I'd post it. If my sister can talk about her bruised toe, I can talk about a sunburn, eh?!
This is the vehicle that most of the team and all our luggage rode in to go to and from various towns all over Palawan, Philippines. While riding it, sometimes we arranged luggage and other items in the middle so a couple of us could rest along the bench seats. One of our first trips, I was leaning on some luggage while stretched across a bench, with an arm hanging out the window. At some point in time I took my headband off so it wouldn't slide off my head and lose it, and I wrapped it around my arm. Then I fell asleep. Without paying attention to which arm was hanging out, or even the fact that I was sleeping on the side of the vehicle the sun was shining in. Here is the result:

Monday, November 2

Pastor Jun's Truck

For those who heard we were raising money to buy a new vehicle for Pastor Jun, we did. We helped him pick up the vehicle within the first few days on the island. And this is it:

Nice, eh?

Wednesday, October 28


Remember last time I left, I got some old song stuck in my head, but with new words applicable to my trip ahead? Well the last couple days I've got that old Wizard of Oz song in my head, two lines, and it goes like this:

I'm off to the Philippines,
To see the wonderful Filipin's, all...

Yeah, it's a good thing that's all the song I know, or I'd be driving us all crazy with more lines then that! Whole verses of them! LOL! (By the way, that last word is supposed to be abbreviated form of the word Filipinos, in case anyone is wondering!)

Pray for us, and y'all have great three weeks while we're gone!

Christ's Blessings to y'all,
<>< HJ

Thursday, October 22


This is just a quick blurb to inform everyone the following:

First, our women's conference went off quit well, or so I've been told!...Also, I'm not sure I said everything I wanted to say, or as well as I wanted to say it, but I did pretty well Saturday morning...as did my partner, Emily!

Secondly, for those who are not aware, I'm leaving next Wednesday for the Philippines. I'll be gone three weeks, and this time it is not a medical missions team, but simply and ministerial one (or whatever ya want to call holding a bunch of conferences and ministering to the people in prayer and such like?). The team, to my knowledge, consists of seven people, all of whom have been to the Philippines before, but one of whom has never traveled with us and only knows Debby and that's more through his parents (he was an MK to the Philippines back several years ago; we're all looking forward to getting to know him, too!)...At any rate, you may keep us all in your prayers as we, once again, venture forth with the gospel...and endure long 16+ hr flights!

<>< HJ

PS. For those who didn't know, our foreign-exchange-type (we didn't exchange her with anyone, LOL) student, Dorcas, just had her first birthday in the USA. She turned 16! Her pictures are in an album labeled accordingly to the right.

Tuesday, October 13

Three more days!

This is the Outside and Inside of our brochure we sent out a few weeks ago......This is our tentative schedule:

FRIDAY, Oct 16, 2009
6:00pm, Registration
7:00pm, Evening Session
________Worship-Tim Wright
________Speaker-Debby Davis
11:00pm, Snacks & Fellowship

SATURDAY, Oct 17, 2009
8:00am, Breakfast
9:00-11:45am, Morning Sessions:
___9:00-9:45am, Hannah Davis (ME!) & Emily Ingole
___10:00-10:45am, Cathy Hoffman & Nancy Graham
___11:00-11:45am, Cheri Harrison & Delores Chapel
12:00pm, Lunch
2:00pm, Cheri-Session
3:00pm, Afternoon Session
________Worship-Tim Wright
________Speaker-Debby Davis
5:00pm, Dinner
7:00pm, Worship Bash, with Tim Wright
11:00pm, Snacks & Fellowship

SUNDAY, Oct 18, 2009
8:30-10:00am, Breakfast
10:00am, Sunday School
11:00am, Church/Last Session
1:00pm, Lunch

Thursday, October 8

To My Sisters...

Where exactly people find these quotes, I'll never know. But in preparing various ideas for possible slideshows and such for the Women's Conference coming up, I found myself thinking on my two most prized possession--as if people could ever be counted as such, perhaps "gift" is more appropriate--my sisters: Rebecca "Becky" S. and Alissa Faith. So to them I've copied these quotes and to them I've addressed the comments below the quotes.

To them, I say:
May you know this, forever and always, I not only cannot think of two people I love more and have known more, but I cannot think of any two people I respect, admire, and am more proud of then you two! Enjoy! And may you have a wonderfully blessed day wherever you are and in whatever you set out to achieve!

You can kid the world. But not your sister. ~Charlotte Gray
Nope, can't fool me...and that's what I love about you, too! Ya know me...like no one else! Maybe we speak the same language?!

In thee my soul shall own combined the sister and the friend. ~Catherine Killigrew
I think that's the amazing thing: you aren't just my sisters because some doctor said genetically we're connected, but because we're sisters! Like when the Bible says "...there is a friend that sticketh closer then a brother" and is talking of Jesus, perhaps it is also reminding us that the truest form of friendship, and that txt term of BFF, is found in brotherhood (or sisterhood!)

A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves - a special kind of double. ~Toni Morrison
Ha ha, yes...weird, too...but cool

What's the good of news if you haven't a sister to share it? ~Jenny DeVries
Nope, there's nothing like gabbing your ears off on the telephone!

Sisters is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship. ~Margaret Mead
Sadly, both parts are true...Wish I hadn't been so competitive, and sometime downright nastily stubborn to you when we were younger! But I'm definitely proud for the strength of our ties now!

Bless you, my darling, and remember you are always in the heart - oh tucked so close there is no chance of escape - of your sister. ~Katherine Mansfield
Remember that, whether near or far, I always have you in my prayers!

My sister taught me everything I really need to know, and she was only in sixth grade at the time. ~Linda Sunshine
You know, it's interesting the things I learned from you when we were younger, that I still employ today...You taught me so much. Sometimes just by example, sometimes in our discussions, sometimes...so many things I learned from you!

I, who have no sisters or brothers, look with some degree of innocent envy on those who may be said to be born to friends. ~James Boswell
I'm not sure "born friends" is the right term, but if it is we definitely grew into it to such a degree that I can't think of two better friends then you!

Sisters are different flowers from the same garden. ~Author Unknown
OK, I just thought this one was cute.

There can be no situation in life in which the conversation of my dear sister will not administer some comfort to me. ~Mary Montagu
Ha ha! How I LOVE hearing your stories, even if distance means it has to be via blog or phone. Still SOOO worth it! And, of course, I love gabbing off your ears; sadly, though, my blog lacks as I prefer the in-person-route!

In the cookies of life, sisters are the chocolate chips. ~Author Unknown
Ahhh, you both are the sweetness in life...and in memories, too!

The mildest, drowsiest sister has been known to turn tiger if her sibling is in trouble. ~Clara Ortega
Ya better believe it!

When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us? ~Pam Brown
Goes well with the last quote, wouldn't ya say? If we can fight for each other, how much stronger do ya think we could be with each other?!

A sister is a forever friend. ~Author Unknown
Ha! Goes with the Women's Conference theme: Forever Friends. That's what got me thinking of you, ya know?! Couldn't think of a better example of friendship then my relationship with both of you!

I know some sisters who only see each other on Mother's Day and some who will never speak again. But most are like my sister and me... linked by volatile love, best friends who make other best friends ever so slightly less best. ~Patricia Volk
The last part is true about us...although, if you think about it, we sometimes only see each other once a year, but it's not for lack of relationship or longing; just finances, schedules, etc! If I could be with ya more, and we could still do what God has called us each to do, I so would be right by your side every other day!

Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other. ~Carol Saline
OK, that might be more true about God as a safety net; however I'd have to say, too, that sometimes just knowing there are two other people in this world who get me without a long explanation, or sometimes even any words at all, is quit reassuring!

A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life. ~Isadora James
That's how I see ya...as a gift. As friends. As a gift of friendship. Etc

To the outside world we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time. ~Clara Ortega
OK, I just plan thought this one was so adorable!

The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend. ~Cali Rae Turner
I think this has been said already, but it's not like it can be said enough!

There is no better friend than a sister. And there is no better sister than you. ~Author Unknown
Ya bet!

I don't believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at. ~Maya Angelou
Being born by the same parents, makes us siblings, but like I said before with that Bible quote, I think Sisterhood is the strongest example of friendship, and that we didn't just get born into. But I'm soooo glad we achieved it!

Our roots say we're sisters, our hearts say we're friends. ~Author Unknown
How many different ways can this be said? LOL!

Sibling relationships - and 80 percent of Americans have at least one - outlast marriages, survive the death of parents, resurface after quarrels that would sink any friendship. They flourish in a thousand incarnations of closeness and distance, warmth, loyalty and distrust. ~Erica E. Goode, "The Secret World of Siblings," U.S. News & World Report, 10 January 1994
I don't know about all the things it outlasts, but I'm so glad no quarrel/differences of opinion (combined with pure stubbornness and pride on my part), kept us apart long! And sadly, though other friendships should duplicate that idea, they usually do fall apart after serious quarrels/differences! So glad we're still together!

Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring - quite often the hard way. ~Pamela Dugdale
I think I've mentioned my stubbornness before; for that I can distinctly remember learning much the hard way. And for those lessons, though indirectly from you, and for the many other lessons you showed by example, or whatever, I want to say: Thank You! You taught me much, as I believe I said once earlier, I still employ!

It was nice growing up with someone like you - someone to lean on, someone to count on... someone to tell on! ~Author Unknown
I just thought this was funny! True, but funny still!

Sisterhood is powerful. ~Robin Morgan
Like warriors united for eternity, bound by love!

Sisters don't need words. They have perfected a language of snarls and smiles and frowns and winks - expressions of shocked surprise and incredulity and disbelief. Sniffs and snorts and gasps and sighs - that can undermine any tale you're telling. ~Pam Brown
I know this isn't exactly what this is supposed to mean, but to me it made me think of this: we have a language all our own, that few others could ever attempt to learn, and by our language we can tell such tales and remind each other of such details that no tale a non-sister can tell would ever compare for it would lack the depth our language alone can put in it!

Sister to sister we will always be,
A couple of nuts off the family tree.
~Author Unknown

Again, just thought this was funny! Definitely funny!

Sisters are blossoms in the garden of life. ~Author Unknown
Kinda like the whole sweet chocolate comment earlier...you guys are awesome!

We may look old and wise to the outside world. But to each other, we are still in junior school. ~Charlotte Gray
All I know, is to me this makes me think of how sometimes when we're together we can act like we never grew up; while other's may look at us and think we're crazy, wonder at our sanity, or whatever, we are just having fun in the way we alone can often, and sadly only, have freedom in when we're together!

It's hard to be responsible, adult and sensible all the time. How good it is to have a sister whose heart is as young as your own. ~Pam Brown

Dido me wast comment!

She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child. ~Barbara Alpert
Wow! How true! ...Oh, and in case you are wondering, the last sentence, thankfully, was only true as a very young child on my part, and you'll be glad to know, even quite rarely at that!

OK, I hope you enjoyed this. It was fun...I love you guys!
Your Sister & BFF,
<>< HJ

PS. Can't wait till Christmas!

Thursday, September 10


Yeah, I need to blog...again...so, what to say. I'm having a hard time remembering what all has happened since last time I blogged, perhaps I should check my facebook status' of late...Oh, yes.

Ok, we had a great Welcome Party for Dorcas Sunday after church (photos in album to right). She couldn't stop smiling! ...The Nichols grandparents stayed through till Tuesday and then Debby had to do some quick last minute book editing Grandma Davis before she finally sent it off to 24hourBooks quick before Fred left for the airport Wednesday morning. Oh, and Dad left with Fred, had a great short trip and came back last Saturday while Fred remained and met Frank Perish for a conference they are doing over there now (the building is so packed out they had to close registration, it's going so well!)...Marie-Louise, also got back from Honduras last Saturday but Tim didn't bring her back from Ohio till Sunday. We planned and succesfully pulled off a rather large surprise welcome home party for her too (pics, also, to the right) since she arrived at our house about an hour after we got back from church. I thought Deb did rather good at inviting people and I at organizing the decorations; it turned out really nice and bigger then we first thought, too! And, of course, Weesy was surprised and loved it! ...And, in the middle of all that, I managed to kill the printer as it ran out of ink! So much for trying to get the women's conference brochures out by the first of the month! I did manage to get about 50 suitable brochures printed to hand out at church and our Jubilee Celebration Monday, so at least a bit of the word is out now. Otherwise, I'm waiting for the new Magenta catridge to arrive in the mail. Any day now. Any day!

Oh, and off on a side note, I don't know if any of y'all have seen my sister's funky blogs lately but I can't help but laugh. That's about what I'd be blogging half the time when I'm to busy to process my going-ons enough to write about it! Of course it also reminds me of my late nights, board to death, with a fried brain from school nights too; except I used to try out new, other-worldy, or just plain funky, hair-do's instead (think Star Wars and Princess Leia or Padme, but worse?!). Oddly, however, I still have those pictures on my computer. Maybe I'll post them for y'alls amusement sometime!

And, before I forget. This week and weekend are really busy too. Tim & Emily have been around for a few days, leaving tomorrow though. Bill is spackling and helping fix the entry way and hallway and stairway for the next few days, as well as make sure Weesy & Dorcas get a ride to and from school. M-L and Dorcas, like I just said, have started school. Meanwhile Deb, Deb's mom, and Cathy left for a nice vacation/tour of DC this morning and won't be back till Monday. Dad, of course, will get here sometime tomorrow, I would think. And my sister Alissa is finally coming for a weekend to visit, albeit a short weekend as she only gets here Saturday and has to head back to school Sundays; but maybe we can finally watch a couple those movies I've been wanting to see with her (like Thr3e and Hannah Montana: The Movie--yes, I have weird taste!). Of course, we also have to do some shoping which she hasn't been able to do as the school is way to remote -- oh, poor, deprieved Eliminites/Limains!

Saturday, August 22


Apparently a local Sheriff or someone of great value in the police force recently died in our area. I'm sitting here right now, and as I pen this, there is a loud roar outside our house. Of all the streets they could have picked, they decided to block ours of and allow the procession down our street. We got cop cars from all over the area -- like a mini parade -- rolling down our street mixed with a few civilian cars and one random firetruck. The roar, however, comes from the air. I grew up hearing those things every-now-and-then, but today there are two hovering over our street. Helicopters. I saw one close-up once as a child, but this is my first time to hear the roar until I've a headache and see them just hover for so long...

Ah, the procession has just finished and now the helicopters are flying away. What an event. Feel sorry for the family, but it's still pretty cool to watch. On our street, too, no less, not the main street!


Oh, and for anyone wondering about the rest of my day. It's been great thus far. Got up and went to Wal-mart to get the professional photos I had taken there, and to order my mother the one she wanted as her birthday present -- don't worry, it's no surprise to her, so I'm not ruining anything by blogging about it...

Also, I met Dorcas Thursday and then we went for a movie night at the church with Marie-Louise; had a great time. Fred & Deb took both girls out to OH to drop Marie-Louise off for her missions trip with the Ingole-family-group and then they took Dorcas shopping at Gabe's on the way back to pick up another pair of jeans (and to figure out her size better, maybe). She's more like a 1x (not the 2x we'd previously guessed) and her paints are about a 16; supposedly she's a little taller then my friend Emily, too, she had to stoop to hug her! How cool is that? But they are about the same build. Anyway, everyone got back from that event at about 2am this morning...

Oh, and Marie-Louise called this morning during their layover in TX to say she's doing great and having fun with the team...!

Oh, and my Nichols Grandparents are on their way here for a short weekend; they want to meet Dorcas, and tomorrow attend the church diner we're having that will both welcome her and shower her with gifts (Dorcas doesn't know about that last part; she's already in shock about how many options Gabe's has, wait till she owns a loot of clothing and other such items herself!)

Thursday, August 20


This week has been rather busy for Fred & Debby. Besides Sunday, they only had Monday and originally hoped to have today in town. Monday Deb, her mom, Rosalee & I went to see Julie & Julia. It wasn't as good as I thought it'd be -- it was slow, not bad, just long -- but Debby loved it; guess it helps if you used to watch Julia Child on TV doing her cooking show, because part of the reason Deb loved it so much was how well Meryl Streep portrayed Julia. Then Tuesday morning Fred, Deb, & Weesy left to head to NYC; they didn't hurry but took a hotel room half-way there and then went to the airport about 7pm yesterday. Originally they hoped to drive straight back last night, but I guess it just turned out to be too long of day and they took another hotel room half-way back. Sometime this afternoon -- like in the next hour -- they should be pulling into the driveway.

Then tomorrow they start it all over again, but this time heading out our friend's the Ingole's in Ohio. There they will stay the night and help take people to the Pittsburg airport where Marie-Louise and several friends/family of the Ingole's are leaving for another two-week missions trip to Honduras -- it'll be the first one Weesy go on without her family, so she's excited about that! Then Fred & Deb will come back home and we'll start the next week all together.

So, that may not be very exciting news -- we always seem to have a busy life -- but it isn't for their schedule I initially wished to share. It's for whom they are picking up and whom I'm excited to meet in about an hour! Yes, I'm sure at least some of y'all heard about us trying to help a girl from Africa -- the child of an African couple Fred & Debby call friends and have connections with while in Africa -- come as a student here. Well the US embassy finally OKd her, she got her visa, and is now on her way to Olean with Fred, Deb, & Weesy. She'll live with us and go to school with Weesy at the small local Christian school. Dorcas is her name. She speaks almost no English but is familiar with French -- thankfully Fred, Deb, & Weesy know a good deal of French, I'm gonna be the one who has a hard time communicating with her! She's tall, broad shoulder -- or so I've heard -- built like my friend Emily.

Anyway, I'm just looking forward to meeting her in the next hour! A little nervous, maybe even anxious about how this is all going to work out in the next couple years, but still excited! I'll try and let y'all know how it goes...meanwhile if you find any clothing, especially winter things, in about a size 1x, size 16 pants, or a shoe size 11, and you feel led to give it away/pass it along, feel free to send them this way!

Friday, August 14

Back from VA!

Sweet! I had a great time!
So I didn't get much more then one chapter red in Ted Dekker's Black, and really only sat out just to sit in the sun a couple different times, but so what?!

We met Chris & Tina Saturday for a birthday get-together.
Then went to the house we'd be staying at till Wednesday morning and unpacked our bags (they have an awesome house, with three extra bed rooms and a beautiful yard! Not to mention the other usual rooms in a house, all super-sized! Nice!)

Sunday we went to New Life Church (I think that's it's title) and attended the café-church service in the gymnasium part. Chris played the drums and Tina led the service (the introductions & announcements). Then we went out for lunch, lollygagged around a couple of stores before Chris & Tina had to leave then we went back to the house for a bit. After a bit, we went back tot he church for the Guatamala Missions Team Send-Off Service and then went out with Chris again -- to distract him -- till we went to the house of a friend of Tina's for...guess what? We walked in the door and everyone jumped and screamed! It was a surprise birthday party for Chris, and he never saw it coming! Their friend had made an awesome cake -- think she takes after Deb a bit! LOL -- and we hung out and celebrated for quit a while! It was fun seeing everyone again -- I'd met them before at and during Chris & Tina's wedding related events.

Monday we just hung out mostly at the house. (that's when I got my hot hour in the sun out on the lovely porch out back). I tried getting a hold of a college friend of mine who lives down there, too, but her phone wasn't working (I hadn't tried to get a hold of her before, because ironically she had been up here in NY for the weekend). I think I managed to get a chapter of Black red, while in the sun too, but then decided it might be easier to tan in that hot sun if I just went half-asleep (then I wouldn't notice how hot I was or how hot the black book felt in my arms, either)...Christopher came over after work and then we went to the mall and saw the movie GI: Joe. It wasn't what I expected, but it was deffinately not bad, either.

Thankfully, there is such a thing as facebook and my friend Sooki & I were finally able to connect between that night and Tuesday. So, of course, on Tuesday that's what I did. Fred, Deb, & Weesy met up with Christopher at the mall for his lunch break, meanwhile Sooki met me at the house and we followed Fred to the mall where we proceded to wodnerfully-waste a few hours in a long over-due talk...and whatever else friends do when they get together! The blessed thing about our friendship: no matter how long it's been and how much catching up we've got to do in a little time, it always is not only worth it, but oddly feels like we never really parted! (At least for me). Plus I got to hang out with her delightful little girl, Rianna. I can't say what we talked about, not even sure we ever really ever finished whatever new topic we would intergect and start on, but we had an awesome time! Ate in the food court, from Wendy's, and just walked and talked through the mall till it was time for her to head back home. It was about then that Fred & Deb called me on my cell to see if they should swing by and get me then or wait another hour or two (they were in the area) so I hooked back up with them. Later, in the evening, we hit the beach with Christopher in tow -- he finished work about then -- and had a delightful last day before taking the long drive back home in the morning.

Sadly, my cell phone decided to die in the middle of the night and I didn't think to put it onthe charger before we left for the long drive home. Also, my laptop got packed away the night before. Regardless of my momentary laps of technology for a whole day in the USA -- some reason ti's fine in another country, but here, I'm like "what do I do?" -- I lived just fine and we made it home safely...at like 1am; that's why I waited another day to write.

Wednesday, August 5

For the record...

I'm not my sisters...interesting thought, eh?

Seriously, though, I have a hard time figuring out what to write lately. I know I don't write on here as much as I used to. I haven't written much in more journal, either. I think that's the main problem, when I ran out of things to say here, sometimes I copied stuff from my journal and all those random thoughts, but since all the writing my journal has received in the past few months had been four pages of private prayers and such, there isn't much for the copying either. Oi!

I've tried to figure out where my sisters get their inspiration and how it seems to always flow. Sometimes it seems they are just writing a momentary and fleeting thought, other times it's one of those weird things that I wouldn't think to write about -- like a blister on the toe -- that add a touch of "I'm here...taste my life with me" flair. Maybe I just need to get more weird and random, eh?

Well, regardless, on the bright side. I'm headed to Virginia Beach with Deb, Fred, and Weesy in a couple days so maybe -- if I remember -- I'll get some pictures and have something to write about soon...But mostly, I'm looking forward to the warmth & sun we've been missing here lately. Take a good Ted Dekker book and my laptop and maybe get some writing in if not reading (why has it been so hard for me to dive into a good book lately, anyway? I used to eat them for dinner! After all, they are my inspiration and without a bit of that I'm lacking in writing-my-book-ability too! Oi! what a mess I'm in!)

Ok, enough for now...write again soon...perhaps when I get back from the fun in VA!

Saturday, August 1

25th Anniversary...& Sunshine

Well we had a great day Sunday. Church, followed by a little coffee break with goodies, and then we had Guy & Cheri's 25th Anniversary. It was one of those vow-renewal services set up just like a simple wedding, followed by a cake and reception. And it was formal, so I finally got to wear my banquet dress I picked up at the Philippines in 2006! Check out the photo album over on the right for all the awesome pictures!

Today is a rarity, this summer, and supposedly is 80° outside. It really only felt like it was that hot when the sun wasn't hiding behind the scattered clouds -- the breeze was too cool, me thinks! But being such a beautiful -- and rare -- day, I took one of those lawn chairs with a footrest and stuck it out back in the hot sun and that's where you can find me now! I've brought my laptop too, but the sun is so bright that I'm thinking I'll eventually just set it aside and just lay in the sun. I've been trying not to lose that wonderful tan I got in the Outerbanks (OBX, photo album to right) a couple months ago, but with it as rainy as it has been it's been hard to get outside much this year! Anyway, that's what I'm doing now: enjoying such a wonderful gut day!

After I've been out here for over an hour or so, I'll go inside and get cleaned up; Emily is coming over and we're heading over to another friend's house to eat and fellowship as the Act's disciples seemed to do...Can't wait!

Wednesday, July 22


I had a great time with Michelle! We mostly stayed in Monday, but Tuesday I took her for a walk to show her half of the city (what I could easily walk to).

Somehow, despite all the times she had been here, she had "experienced it while remaining innocent of the knowledge of it!" LOL! In other words, while she has driven in and out of the city, and been to Tim Hortons and Wal-Mart, she had only ever been driven there or directed there. Didn't know it for herself. So I took her on a walk to the mall and back (next time I'll have to have Deb take her in the big loop across from the mall and around by Wal-Mart and back so she can understand the rest of the city and not just follow directions).

Then we went to the Chef's Bistro! What a cute place! It had the feel of being an up-scale Greek restaurant mixed with the simplicity of a Starbucks (you could sit and study or surf the internet, if ya wanted). It was sweet and comfortable (almost homey) while having the modern deco of a suave place I'd likely see on one of Deb's favorite traveling/cooking channels. They had several different orders with humus, seafood, salads, and Fred's favorite: a gyro! I don't remember what Michelle had, but I had the chef's salad with a couple wraps (forget it's actual title, sorry); we followed that with a couple real Cappuccino's, and topped it with two nice-size pieces of their Snickers Cheesecake...And I, of course, had plenty of leftover from both the meal & desert to take home and snack on tomorrow!

Afterward, Michelle & I drove to the movie theater and watched The Proposal! I'd seen it before, but I had no problem seeing it again; it's that good!

Sadly, she had to leave early this morning so she could go to work tonight; but hey, I think two great days with such a great friend will undoubtedly carry me till the next time we meet again! And I couldn't have asked for a better two days either! It wasn't even too cold for the walking either (not like it has been thus far, Odd July! Oi!); thanks God!

And Thanks Michelle! Have a safe trip home, and may you be a blessing at work!

Tuesday, July 21


Hey all!
So I joined Twitter a while ago, but saw no point to it then. After Deb joined, however, and showed me how it works, I've decided to give it another go. So for anyone interested, I'm on there and will try and follow that on a regular basis too...I've also fixed this place to copy my Twitter updates over on the right, so y'all can always read my quicky, 160-characters-or-less updates from there even if y'all don't join Twitter itself!

Christ's blessings to y'all,
<>< Hannah Joy

Monday, July 20

Busy fun...

"When it rains, it pours." I've never understood why it always seems to do that in life. One thing will decide to be on a particular Saturday and suddenly three other things decide it would be a great day for that too. What's more, y'all have had several weekends or days or space of time before that in which ya were practically board from having nothing to do (or at least nothing unusual to do). Then FINALLY something comes up and ya get excited, and suddenly...Oi!

Well, Michelle is here for a couple days, which I've been looking forward to for a very long time (ever since she hinted at the possibility several months ago). Then a couple days ago we find out Grandma & Grandpa have decided to come as well, for the week. Everyone arrives the same day (today) within a couple hours apart! What's more, Deb & Fred had been gone for the weekend visiting a church in OH; they just got in late last night & pretty much went to bed shortly after arriving...

Anyway, suffice it to say I think we've finally got the house in a rather good shape, all things considered; and now we're kicking our heels up -- for at least a few minutes -- catching up and hanging out...we'll see what comes after that!

May your day be blessed as well; if not in the blessed company of friends and family, then in the simple solitude of more God-time!
<>< HJ

Thursday, July 16

Long-awaited update...

Dear Blog-friends,

I know I haven't been on here in a while. Seems like I've dropped off the face of the earth; I suddenly went from writing constantly to nothing for almost a year. Well, I can't say that I've been really busy, since I haven't been on any missions trips in that time either; however, I have been traveling around the US more with/visiting my friends & family (see the photo albums to the right). But mostly I've been expressing myself --as I always do-- in writing; the difference being that it's either more personal and therefore tucked away in the journal by my Bible or it's been in the book/s I started several years ago and have been too busy to work on since moving here and traveling abroad so much.

I'm sorry I haven't written much here lately -- I'll try and remedy that; no promises though -- but if you have an account on facebook, look me up there (it's easier to get on there for a second to post a simple one-liner update every few days then to get on here and write some lengthy piece that'll break up whatever train of thought I might have going for the other writing/s).

Christ's blessings to y'all,
<>< HJ

PS. I almost forgot what kept my attention for a couple months: I finished my Philippines scrapbook...now I just need to compile the photos from the last two Africa trips and the Honduras trip to put in two more scrapbooks...