Tuesday, December 29

Christmases A Plenty

As is typical in my family, we had many different Christmas get-togethers over the Holidays. Several at home, with the Davis clan and a couple different ones with the Elwell/Harrison/Davis clan as well. Games. Stockings. The usual presents. Food. Fun. Fellowship. And a few surprises. However, there are so many pictures, that to go through them to pick just a couple favorites when I've already got several more on the Internet? Don't see why. So, follow this link and view them all!

Oh, and I went down to Lancaster area of PA to surprise my family on my Mom's side as well! I love hanging out and playing games with my cousins and sisters soooo much! Who can beat a good game of Settlers? Or Sequence? Or my personal favorite: DUTCH BLITZ! Anyway, same link for those pictures, so enjoy!