Tuesday, December 29

Christmases A Plenty

As is typical in my family, we had many different Christmas get-togethers over the Holidays. Several at home, with the Davis clan and a couple different ones with the Elwell/Harrison/Davis clan as well. Games. Stockings. The usual presents. Food. Fun. Fellowship. And a few surprises. However, there are so many pictures, that to go through them to pick just a couple favorites when I've already got several more on the Internet? Don't see why. So, follow this link and view them all!

Oh, and I went down to Lancaster area of PA to surprise my family on my Mom's side as well! I love hanging out and playing games with my cousins and sisters soooo much! Who can beat a good game of Settlers? Or Sequence? Or my personal favorite: DUTCH BLITZ! Anyway, same link for those pictures, so enjoy!

Tuesday, December 22


I didn't think it was right to go all out and decorate for Christmas in my bedroom, where nobody would know, so I helped out Deb & Fred this year with some more lights for the outdoors. Thought I should post the house, then too, as soon as I got a picture of it, so my bedroom isn't the only thing getting noticed on here!
My room is the one with the red lights in the windows (no point to decorating just the inside, ya know, so I put some lights on the outside of my curtains too!)

Saturday, December 19

Sisters Are Here

Becky & I drove down to meet Mom at a cute little Mennonite restaurant, to eat and exchange Christmas gifts. Then we grabbed Alissa and ran! Just kidding! We didn't kidnap her; part of the reason we met up with Mom was to pick up Alissa for an awesome weekend back in Olean!

I had gone shopping with Becky in preparation before picking up Alissa so we had everything we need to try our hand at our old family tradition of making gingerbread houses, which we did Saturday afternoon. It was our first try at a kit, though!
We did a pretty good job, eh? So good, we devoured immediately!
(No, not really, but it fit with the picture heading)
A random, but nice picture of us sisters before the rest of the Davis clan showed up.
And this is what the holiday's can do for you, too?!
Just kidding. We had a great time! The Davis' all showed up and we had a White Elephant Exchange Christmas. Sadly, I got so caught up in the fun I forgot to take any good pictures! So, you'll just have to survive on the picture of the White Elephant gift Becky brought (above); I thought it was hilarious!

Monday, December 7


Just thought I'd mention that Becky's going to be around for the Christmas season! I'm so excited. Alissa's going to get off work and come up for a quick weekend, when the Davis Clan will do our White Elephant get-together...stay tuned!