Saturday, September 25


So at about 6pm I got a call from Cole (another friend from OH) to say he was in the area, hanging out at a local pastor's/friends-of-Tim's house near here, and they'd welcome my joining them. It was supposed to be a kinda laid back--as in no gifts, just hanging out-- pre-wedding celebration (bridal shower-ish) for Emily & Tim. I was looking for an excuse to go on a walk, since it had been an unusually summer-like day, and Marie-Louise had decided she needed to hit the library for a book report. So I told Cole, sure, and walked with Marie-Louise part way to the library and then detoured off heading down another road. There were quite a few people there, and Emily & Tim finally showed up. We had a good dinner (if I'd been called sooner, I might have had more room for the food, but I'd just eaten). Then headed down to Bradford for a late-night bowling--as in till after midnight! I haven't been bowling in a long time, so I enjoyed that! My record still holds, too, where I'm always just so the biggest looser, it's just the actually points I got were different (I used to lose with points averaging in the 90s, but this time I was losing with points in the 30-40s; apparently there were also others out there just as bad as me, just not exactly as bad, since I've never lost by more then 20 points! LOL!). The lighting was funky, though, so I've only got one picture from the act of bowling that shows up semi-good. All other pictures were not pertaining to bowling. Afterward, they went back to the house to play games, but I was feeling tired so they dropped me off on the way home; I got in sometime after 1am, I think, and am now trying to blog it!

Oh, and as it turned out, throughout the whole evening, everyone kept wishing me a happy birthday! They even told me it was kind of a combination shower for Tim & Em and a birthday party for me; so it was another nice surprise birthday celebration for me, too!

Anyway, now I'm off to bed before I drive myself crazy! Or, more likely, fall asleep in mid-type!

Good night & God bless y'all!
<>< HJ