Thursday, February 20


All too often the idea comes to me as someone asks for me to pray for them as they are need of a miracle. The thought is of course one we have probably all thought at one point or another, one that is ingrained in our minds: How can I ask for this, when I am so obvious broken.

Basically, when someone asks for me to pray for a physical ailment, my mind looks at my deformed body, my crippled fingers, it looks inside to where it feels intense pain on any number of joints at one given moment, and thinks "how can I expect to see someone healed, when obviously I am not? How can I do this, when I do not have enough faith [or whatever] to be healed too?"

I was sitting down to lunch the other day with a couple of friends and one of them mentioned her own struggles. Mentioned that once she had a prophet say she would lay hands on the sick, those with her same ailment, and see them delivered. And then she added, "but of course I have to get myself better first. And once I am eating healthier, and better physically and mentally, I will lay hands on the sick."

It is funny how we lay everything so contingent on ourselves.

Do you see how often the word "I" was used?

Where is God in that?

I am quite sure that even if I stood before you, totally and obviously healed physically, that I could still find something broken somewhere that in my mind would disqualify me from laying hands on the sick and seeing them healed.

Yet, broken as I might be, I have seen others healed.

It leaves me with only thought...perhaps it is not contingent on me or my abilities after all.

"When we are weak, He is strong." "When we become less, He becomes more." Perhaps those words mean more than I thought?

Perhaps it is because I am broken that God can use me? After all, I can assure anyone who asks, that it had nothing to do with my faith, my gift, or my talent, let alone my healing. Just take a look at me and tell me how I could have done any of it?

I think it would be best to stop limiting God to our abilities, our looks, our...whatever...and just step back and let Him work. If in the process He wishes to borrow my deformed hands to see His work done, then so be it!

Who am I? Broken.

Who is He?