Wednesday, November 30

The Joyous Family: Sleeping Soundly at 25 Days 'til Christmas

I never used to wonder how many children could fit into a single bed with me. Apparently, the answer is four more...
Yes, I'm counting the dog.

I never used to wonder what it was like to get a good nights sleep. A long, full, eight hours. Sound, like the dead, sleep.
Although I was blessed to have almost a few hours last night, in which I slept sound like the dead...dangerous, though it may be...
I must have been more tired then I realized.

There are a lot of things about having a child that changes things. Nevermind four children, five years of age and under...
and, yes, I'm counting the dog, again.
Why not?

5am, or not, it is all worth it to see their beautiful faces...
And when I, somehow, managed to sleep soundly last night, only to be awoken by these two beauties crawling into bed with me, well, all I was thinking at first, through my foggy, half-awake brain, was how wonderful and beautiful they are, and how blessed I am...

Until the fog started to clear and my brain began to process a few, how did the baby get out of her crib? Where did Bruno go after hoisting them up into my bed? And why was it so quiet? Too quiet...

I had a moment of panic...which did not really dissipate, much, once I found Bruno...

He was quietly taking down this mess, which led to the crib
#allthosebooks #heissmallforhisage

He said he had been quiet, so I could sleep.
He also, tried to reassure me, that he had used mostly hardback books, because they are more sturdy...

I'm sure he was trying to be helpful. Make sure the baby didn't wake me...or something...but #canthatpossiblybesafe? #howdidhecarrythebabydownthat?
#Godhelpme! #Ihadallsisters
#givehimcreditforcreativity #noideawherehegetsit
#howdidisleepthroughthat? #remindmenevertosleepagain

Welcome to us...