Saturday, May 24

The Wanderer's Adventure Continues:
Virginia Times: Worship Monday Night

I finally got some pictures from the prayer meeting we had on Monday night, and I thought I would share them with y'all so you can see it. As you can see, the FOFs (Michelle, Emily, Tim, & I; see TEAM: Africa 2008) are back together again in VA. But we are joined by a bunch of new friends we met while there, and I would like you to "meet" some of them! However, I don't remember everyone's names, just the ones I've hung out with more since then (so bare with me if I don't mention everyone in the pictures!)

Above (L to R): David, Shannon, Dee, and Michelle Hartley...Don't you just love that stained glass window? Too bad there isn't a full picture of it!

Below is Paul playing guitar. He worships spontaneously, like Tim, and it's great!

Above is Faith, who is a great leader and friend with a heart of gold and solid after God!

Below, on the bench (L to R) is Dee, Michelle Hartley, and Me. On the floor curled up in a tiny ball is Shannon, then two guys, then Emily Ingole and Tim Wright...I would've been on the floor then too, but Em had just beat me to the last spot I could slide off a bench to.
Above is that row of worshipers on the floor again, but all of a like mind. Pretty cool picture, eh?