Saturday, October 30

Just a quick update

I plan to try and find time to post pictures and update my blog with stuff from the last couple weeks, but right now I just wanted to let y'all know that on Monday, NaNoWriMo starts and so my time is going to be devoted to writing elsewhere from then until the end-ish of November. So I'm not sure when I'll get around to updating this blog, but it'll probably be after November; then I'll re-date my posts and update it as thought I've never been gone...Thus far we've had a couple birthday parties, are going to have one for M-L soon, and I just got back from a friend's wedding. So, at some point in time--after November--I'll get on and get all that on here. Until then, know that I haven't disappeared, I'm just spending all my free time writing 50,000 words in 30 days! Oi! This year I'm even competing against someone I know: my Aunt Judy! Aught to be fun!