Monday, September 29

Toronto Airport Church, Conference...

Well I had a lot of fun with my friends late at nights and a couple other times, but the first two days we attended the conference I pretty much had fun with God. Thursday and Friday, I spent a lot of time with God, out on the floor drunk in His presence. Most of the time I'm not even sure what happened, but some of the time God showed me incredible things and just loved on me back!

<- Emily laying in God's presence
-> Tim trying to sit with Cathy's help

Saturday morning we decided to catch up on sleep and go only for the afternoon session and then ended up enjoying ourselves at the B&B instead and stayed in the kitchen till late into the night, talking, worshiping and all such fun and spiritual things we like to do together. Sunday, we accidentally slept in till 10am, and since we had missed church (which was 20 minutes away, and started at 10) and our hosts got back right then, we stayed and had a late breakfast and enjoyed another couple hours there. Then we all left and went our separate directions.

<- Em & Tim enjoyn picts
-> Dave takn picts Sat. night

<- Hosts: Doug & Janis

-> Tim leadn worship late Sat.

Sometime in there, late Thursday, the Ingole parents came with friends from their church--Russ & Marsha, whom I had the pleasure of getting to know during our week attending the Florida revival. Then they left before we were up Saturday to go to the conference in Toronto, but somehow got lost and decided to enjoy the day at Niagara Falls before heading back home to do church in the morning (Mike Ingole is the pastor of the church in East Liverpool; where we are having the ladies conference this weekend, too, by the way). Sadly, I didn't see them much, so no pictures of them...

<- Em, studyn Bible, Sat.
-> Getn ready, on way to Conf

<- Cole strangln Tim to wake him, Sat

-> Em & I at church b4 meetn

Our Gang before we seperated ways after noon, Sunday.
Top row: Tim, Emily, & I (all FOFs)
Then: Cole (friend of Ingole family & from OH)
Bottom Row: Dave (Tim's friend, and internet site manager), Cathy (his mom), & Michelle Harter (a FOF)