Tuesday, September 30

Cameras & Scrapbooking

Have you ever noticed that when you have to rely on others to get you the pictures off their cameras of the trips together--even if you took the pictures--it doesn't always happen? Plus, after a while, you just plain forget to ask. Or sometimes you're not even sure if there were any, or many, pictures of the short hangout you had...

Well, I don't know if y'all noticed, but I've suddenly got a lot of pictures in my last couple posts. And does it ever feel great! It was a short weekend, where most of the time everyone was distracted in the interaction of humans and not so much taking memorable pictures of it, yet I've got some! Woo Who!

Thanks to Roy (Mom's new hubby) & Mom, who heard my last camera had been destroyed by a small sand particle during my first missions trip to the Philippines (almost 2 years ago). They were going to get Alissa a new camera for her birthday when I piped in. So I searched the internet and found a camera that almost screamed "missionary proof." They decided it was perfect for my lifestyle, and both Alissa & I ended up with two really great Olympus, dustproof & shockproof & waterproof (up to 10ft under water) cameras! Mine is turquoise and Alissa's is yellow; mine came in the mail almost two weeks ago and Alissa's finally arrived in WY! And the cool thing is, no little partical of sand can destroy this one! Neither can an accidental drop in a toilet or a friend sitting on it or anything (the only thing I have to watch out for is theft, LOL!)

Now I'm just gabbing because it's SOOOO great to just take pictures again! I can be that lady whose downright annoying to her friends because she can't take enough pictures, that lady who has abundance of both professional-looking and crazy photographs for writing, blogging, and especially remembering moments with my friends via scrapbooking! Woo who!

I know I could probably better use the money for my trips, and don't need expensive toys. But there is something about having a camera again; it's like saying "I'm back" after a long trip in netherworld. It feels complete, like a weird part of me had been suppressed in not using the art of photography to capture moments and the cool designs of scrapbooking to log the memories in a fashion which no words can fully encompass in a simple journal. (no wonder I once tried to go to a college for Script & Screenwriting; there is something about facial expressions and lighting which says so much more then even a book ever can!)

And just for show, here's a picture of my camera. But this one I had to take via my camera phone so it's not as good...LOL!