Wednesday, October 1

Marie-Louise...craziness of youth

Marie-Louise put on her bathrobe, saying how warm it was. When the time came for our usual Wednesday-night Prayer Meeting at the church, she said she wanted to go in her bathrobe. Deb told her it would look goofy and we were certain when the time came, she would be too embarrassed and take it off before entering the church. So we let her travel in it.

She, of course, insisted she wasn't embarrassed and would wear it just fine! So we decided to put her to the test; so how hard it would be for her to appear in it.

First we tried McDonald's--Debby said she wanted a carbonated beverage (soda, or Pop, or whatever y'all call it). She insisted she would run in and meet us at the other side, but when we started to pull by drive-through (we were certain we would be waiting forever for her to actually do it & we were already cutting it close to get to church on time) she didn't jump out. Didn't even budge...We picked on her for it, of course, and she finally insisted she could do it. Then Debby pulled into one of her favorite gas station companies. M-L looked nervous and said "what are we doing here?"

Debby smiled and responded, "Your going in to get me something!"

Of course, Debby had her carbonated drink, so what else could it be? As it turned out, after Debby parked, she pulled out a dollars worth of change and told M-L to go in and get her something she would like for a dollar. By then we had egged M-L on enough, she didn't take long before budging this time and darted in.
While she was in, we pulled out of our parking spot and went to the other side of the lot. Just to scare her a bit. Then we honked when she came out and looked worried. She hadn't wasted any time in finding Debby a candy bar!

Marie-Louise told us in the van that she would have to put this "bright idea" in a book called "Not the Brightest Ideas Marie-Louise Ever Had!" As you can guess, her stubborn ways not only creates a lot of humor for us all, but it is also occurs often enough she probably could write a short book!

If any of you know Marie-Louise (or any other thirteen-year-old like her), you know the humor in the story. If you don't, it probably sounds like a plain story...we thought it was so funny, that I gave my friends, who know M-L, a play-by-play txt of the whole thing...It is also good to note that shortly after arriving at church, M-L took her robe off (she insisted she was hot). She did not put it back on till we were leaving, as it was her "coat" for the night!