Monday, November 28

the Joyous Family: Escapades To Come

Most of my friends are married with kids. Plural. And it's the Holiday season...
If you've ever been one of the unfortunates to still be single during this time of the year, you know what I am not saying...The stigma, from family, friends, movies (seriously, media is the worst!) to find someone for the Holidays. The cold, lonely nights. The joy of sharing anything, everything, about the Holiday preparations, with someone...
I mean, look at my place! It's beautifully decorated for Christmas! A winter wonderland theme, in blues and snowflakes, and...
Wait, you did not know? Didn't anyone tell you?
Oh, yeah, I'm single. (Who is there to see, let alone tell all?) The drive to decorate for the Holidays lost its appeal many years ago when I realized NOBODY would get to see it. Even if I post pictures online, at least 50% won't have it come up on their feed, and of those who do, less then  2% can truly appreciate/imagine it (pictures don't do justice; am I right?!)...
Oh, and then there's all the cool, cute family stories circulating. Or the not so cute family holiday stories with the hash-tag: keeping it real...
If I have a reply, lets be honest, who really wants their stories of mishaps and children compared to my dog?
If I was #keepingitreal, I'd have to add that I suffer from a bit of jealousy, too. Well at least you HAVE a husband to come home to NOT notice your decorations, or complain about whatever. Or children, who throw fits...
I could complain. I could throw a fit, too...I could remind everyone that nobody's life is perfect...
And don't tell me about how nothing is like one of those corny Hallmark movies...I am too old, with too many married (and sometimes divorced) friends, to NOT see how real, or unreal, life gets in the married and motherhood scene (but, if we're being honest, here, despite all the times we feel like banging our heads against a brick wall, or all the messes and tantrums we must dissipate, we'd do it all over again, wouldn't we? Because those moments, no matter how far between, where they smile at us, or notice, or thank, or well, just be their wonderful, adorable self, ARE TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!)
But instead of being jealous, or complaining, I'm going to do what I do best: have fun! So here's the scoop: over the next few weeks I am going to post pictures with a story of mis-adventure for the day (not all stories are true; a person is more then welcome to ask for the real story, in some cases; Some, however, are BASED on true stories, much to someone's chagrin and embarrassment, somewhere).

(ADDED NOTE: the coming pictures and stories are meant as a comic relief. Relief from the stress and grind of the Holidays, and the other stuff going on in the news. It is not meant to "make light of" or to offend fact, it is probably more humorous and therapeutic on my sake...please enjoy, or don't...)